
My teaching has primarily focused on quantitative methods, including courses on introductory statistics classes to advanced social network methods workshops. With experience at both the graduate and undergraduate levels, I have aimed at equipping students with the analytical tools necessary to tackle complex social science questions. Additionally, I have had the opportunity to share my expertise through guest lectures, particularly on topics related to Wikipedia and online community engagement.

Masterclass: Automated Web Data Collection, Q-step centre, University of Warwick

This one-day workshop (taught every year since 2021) introduced students to automated web data collection and provided a hands-on tutorial in R. It covered web scraping of scraping and dynamic pages, automating a browser with RSelenium and the basics of using APIs. The latest materials can be found on Github.

Computer-assisted data analysis, University of Mainz

The course introduced undergraduate students to the Software Stata. The students gained hands-on experience in lab session and analysed population survey data. I was a seminar instructor for this course in 2023.

Introduction to Quantitative Empirical Social Research, University of Mainz

The course introduced undergraduate students to approaches to and basic concepts in the study of the social sciences, such as hypotheses, experiments, surveys and others. I was a seminar instructor for this course in 2021 and 2023.

Network Analysis II: Advanced Topics, ICPSR Summer Program, University of Michigan

I worked as a TA for the four-week course in advanced network analysis in the summers of 2020 and 2021. The focus of this advanced course was inferential network analysis, including exponential random graph models and its varieties, stochasticactor oriented models, local structure graph models, and their implementation in R.

Intermediate Social Analytics: Survey Design and Data Collection, University of Warwick

This course allowed student to conduct their own research proect and analyse and present their previously collected data to answer their research questions. I advised students in the analytical strategy of their individual projects and helped conductings lab sessions with Stata. I worked as a Teaching Assistant for this course in the academic years 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21.

Intermediate Social Analytics: Survey Analysis and Reporting, University of Warwick

This course allowed student to conduct their own research project and experience the quantitative research cycle from initial design through to data collection. I supported with syllabus design and held three lectures on the use of the online survey software Qualtrics. I worked as a Teaching Assistant for this course in the academic years 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21.
